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Learn American Sign Language with 21 highly rated courses

habboin 31/07/2021 Space 2666
Just in 2019, American Sign Language (ASL) was estimated by the American Communications Service that approximately 1 million people in the United States use deaf people. It is a complex and universal...

Just in 2019, American Sign Language (ASL) was estimated by the American Communications Service that approximately 1 million people in the United States use deaf people. It is a complex and universal language, usually only taught in dedicated spaces. The Ultimate Learn American Sign Language Bundle is a simple and comprehensive introduction to ASL, now on sale for $19.99.

Learning any language requires ongoing practice and consistent study, and this 21-course online training provides an accessible foundation for that process to begin. Over 50 hours of education, you’ll go over the fundamentals of American Sign Language, starting with the Manual Alphabet and concluding with understanding simple narratives and vocabulary words. With your purchase, you'll get lifetime access to all curriculum material, so you can progress at your own pace and return to the basics if you find you are out of practice later on.

Michael Honkanen, the creator of Able Lingo (rated 4.8 stars out of 5 by past students), is the instructor behind each section. Honkanen is a former police officer and federal investigator, and he used ASL to communicate with witnesses, victims and perpetrators. The lessons he designed are practical and lend themselves to a diverse application for conversing with people you may have once been unable to reach.

The lectures mirror the cadence you would use when learning any language. In modules like "ASL: The Manual Alphabet and ASL: Food Vocab + Dialogues," you’ll study the absolute basics and build on that with some simple vocabulary. When you’re ready, you can refine your skills in 'ASL: Fingerspelling Challenges," among other classes. By the end of the training program, you can find yourself in a position to continue your ASL education through practice and immersion, thanks to the abilities you pick up from narrative courses like 'ASL: Tom Loves Ruth."

Even if you don’t know anyone with whom you’d use ASL, learning sign language can help you be more inclusive in everyday life, and it can make you more marketable in your professional life. Enroll in the Ultimate Learn American Sign Language Bundle while it’s on sale for $19.99.

Prices subject to change.

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